DEIS Diagnostics Technical Committee
Motivation & areas of interest
Electrical insulation systems are key elements of low, medium and high voltage (HV) equipment determining the operational reliability. The modern constructions of high voltage electric insulating systems must meet high standards of electrical, thermal, mechanical and chemical endurance. Further, the trends towards stronger, smarter and greener grids enforce the need for adequate diagnostics and monitoring methodologies.

Problems of operational diagnostics of electric power equipment like for example transformers, cables, HVDC systems, electrical machines, gas insulated substations, breakers or insulators have a special meaning nowadays in the exploitation management. Broader applications of power electronics on higher and higher voltage levels cause challenges for insulating systems and require development of proper diagnostic methods.
The assessment of the properties of an HV insulation system is an essential issue both after the production of electric power equipment, as well as during diagnostics and monitoring procedures. Many research and scientific efforts are devoted to the understanding of various physical mechanisms, and together with new instrumentation lead to the development of new diagnostics methods. Also development and application of new materials imposes a need for new measurement approaches and dedicated diagnostic methodologies. Diagnostic challenges result from the great progress in underling material science including nanomaterials, electronics, smart sensors, communication and software technologies. The key element in diagnostics is of course proper interpretation of acquired information referred to underlying physical phenomena in dielectric insulation systems.
The modern diagnostics strategies relay on complementary measurements performed both of-line or during on-line monitoring. Thus challenges refer to detection of diagnostic symptoms, proper interpretation and effective utilization of diagnostic information.
Since condition monitoring and diagnostics related topics belong to focal activities in electrical insulation and gain enormous attention nowadays, one of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) Technical Committees (TC) is devoted to this subject.
Opportunities & goals
The DEIS Diagnostics Technical Committee would like to create opportunities for people willing to work in the broadly understood field of diagnostics of electrical power equipment and systems. This applies to both academia and industry, experts and scientists as well as young adepts, students and early career engineers, and to enhance the connection between generational experiences and the search for new diagnostic methods based on multidisciplinary technologies. Hence, an important element of the current composition of the truly international Diagnostics TC team is the complementary experiences regarding both high-voltage devices, systems and technologies.

The Technical Committee on Diagnostics offers to DEIS Members the following:
- Establishment and networking of a team of people involved in electrical insulation diagnostics related activities
- Preparation and coordination of positioning publications in IEEE DEIS Transactions, and EIM – Electrical Insulation Magazine
- Influencing technical standards,
- enforcing collaboration between industrial research and the academic scientific community
- Promoting awareness campaigns of diagnostics, through various channels, like university faculties, students, industry etc.
- Broadcasting technical innovations, achievements, information and activities on the DEIS Website and through the EIM
- Organizing workshop sessions
- Introducing on-line webinars
Planned future activities
After three successful editions in 2013, 2016 and 2020 of the IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (TDEI) special issues on “Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Electrical Insulation” [1-3], a new edition will be planned. All special TDEI issues were well received with a high number of submissions – most of committee members submitted papers and were also actively involved in the review process. The following topics are of main interest:
- Condition monitoring and diagnostics of electrical power equipment
- Diagnostics and monitoring of electrical insulation due to electrical, mechanical, chemical and thermal causes
- Challenges in partial discharge based assessment of electrical insulation
- Impact of new materials on electrical insulation diagnostics
- Aging and degradation assessment of electrical power equipment
- Advanced sensing for condition monitoring of electrical insulation
- Emerging diagnostics methods
- High frequency methods in diagnostics of electrical insulation
- Application of signal, image processing and artificial intelligence to diagnostics of electrical insulation
- DC Diagnostics, i.e. methods for monitoring electrical insulation in HVDC grids,
cables, transformers, converters, breakers, substations, lines, insulators, etc.
In addition, it is planned to discuss a Position Paper to be submitted to IEEE Electrical Insulation magazine / IEEE Transactions “Trends in Diagnostics and Monitoring of High Voltage Insulation” (working title). A definition of subjects, key areas related to both technologies and HV equipment as well as a number of invited contributors will follow soon.
TC Members are having opportunity to provide technical seminars for IEEE DEIS members within the scope of their scientific and professional activities.
Another networking platform, especially for students and early career engineers, will offer planned workshops jointly organized with national DEIS Chapters.
The committee is also seeking cooperation with other working groups within IEEE, IEC, CIGRE and other organizations.
The Diagnostics Technical Committee is open for professionals and young scientists to join the Diagnostics community worldwide. The invitation is extended to those interested to join our forces and accelerate some coordinated DEIS activities related to DIAGNOSTICS and CONDITION MONITORING.
Committee Members and Affiliations
No. | Member Name | Member Affiliation | |
1 | Dr. Bidhan Biswas | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India | |
2 | Pr. Boxue Du | University of Tianjin, China | |
3 | Pr. Hans Edin | KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden | |
4 | Pr. Marek Florkowski | Chair, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland | |
5 | Pr. Francesco Guastavino | University of Genova, Italy | |
6 | Dr. Thomas Hammarstrom | Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden | |
7 | Pr. Masayuki Hikita | Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan | |
8 | Dr. Martin Judd | HFDE High Frequency Diagnostics, Glasgow, UK | |
9 | Dr. Wojciech Kołtunowicz | Omicron Energy Solution, Austria | |
10 | Pr. Behzad Kordi | University of Manitoba, Canada | |
11 | Pr. Masahiro Kozako | Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan | |
12 | Dr. Maciej Kuniewski | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland | |
13 | Pr. Jean Li | University of Chongqing, China | |
14 | Pr. Guoming Ma | North China Electric Power University, China | |
15 | Dr. Cheng Pan | University of Wuhan, China | |
16 | Dr. Chenyeop Park | College of Engineering & Applied Science, Milwaukee, USA | |
17 | Pr. Toan Phung | University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia | |
18 | Dr. Arpan Kumar Pradhan | Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India | |
19 | Dr. Ali A. Razi-Kazemi | Hitachi Energy, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland / K.N.Toosi Uni. of Tech. Tehran, Iran | |
20 | Dr. Giuseppe Rizzo | EOSS, Prysmian Group, Palermo, Italy | |
21 | Pr. Simon Rowland | University of Manchester, UK | |
22 | Pr. Lakshminarayana Satish | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India | |
23 | Pr. Brian Stewart | University of Strathclyde, UK | |
24 | Dr. Greg Stone | Iris Power, Toronto, Canada | |
25 | Dr. Xiangdong Xu | Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden |
For more information about the committee and future participation in the activities of the Technical Committee on Diagnostics, please contact the committee chair, Dr Marek Florkowski at [email protected].