Applications for the “2024 DEIS Graduate Student Fellowship Award” are invited from graduate students in the general areas of electrical insulation and dielectric phenomena.
The graduate fellowship, established by the Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS), is a prestigious grant and enables its winners to further explore a research topic in the areas of electrical insulation and dielectric phenomena. The fellowship aims at students pursuing their Ph.D. degree and is awarded for a one-year research topic aside (but close to) the larger research project of the applicant.
Anticipated award: up to FIVE fellowships of up to $5000 each.
The application is done by sending a research proposal document to the Educational Committee Chair: Prof. Christian M. Franck, [email protected]. Receipt of application will be confirmed via mail. In case you don’t hear back within 1 week after submission, please check back with committee chair. The document (maximum 3 pages) must contain the detailed but concise description and plan of this research topic:
i) context and motivation for this project,
ii) specific description of the proposed project to be conducted with the DEIS
graduate fellowship,
iii) information how this project embeds into the applicants larger Ph.D. project
and how it differentiates from it,
iv) expected outcome of the project,
v) project plan and timeline,
vi) overview which resources are needed to conduct this project and if they are readily available to the applicant,
vii) relevant references,
viii) information of the IEEE and DEIS membership status of the applicant and her/his supervisor (no names, just the status).
The call is open for applicants from all over the world, but the applicant must be a student member of IEEE and member of DEIS (or have applied for a student membership in IEEE at the time of application submission). Priority will be given to those applicants for who the main advisor is also a DEIS member. Previous recipients of this award are not eligible for consideration.
Research topics are expected to be in the broader field of interest of the IEEE DEI Society and may include insulating media, their electric and dielectric properties, breakdown, charge transport and electrostatics, high-voltage effects, and related subjects.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS: September 1st, 2024 7th September, 2024 – EXTENDED
Awards will apply to the 2024–2025 academic year. The award notification to the successful applicants is expected to be made in late November 2024.
The applications are reviewed by members of the DEIS Education Committee (and/or other referees). The selection process is very competitive as there are much more applications than awards. The general criteria used for project evaluation will be:
i) clarity of presentation of the project (see above for details on what is expected to be covered),
ii) relevance of the proposed topic to the DEIS community,
iii) innovative content,
iv)ability to accomplish the objective during the award period of one year.
The review process is double-blind, i.e. also the applicant is anonymous to the reviewers (name and affiliation will only be known to the committee chair). Proposals that contain personal names, affiliation logos, names of research collaborators or academic supervisor, or references marked with “submitted” (from which the authors can be inferred) cannot be considered and will be rejected.

Only one proposal per research group per year is recommended.


The fellowship awardees will be asked to provide the following material before the first installment of $3000 can be transferred:
• Information on full name, affiliation, IEEE membership number, and name of
• Short CV for the webpage
• Portrait Picture (with neutral background)
• A letter of confirmation and recommendation (with official letterhead of the university) from your main doctoral research supervisor (faculty member). In the letter, the advisor must also certify your status in the Ph. D. program and express willingness to monitor your progress on the proposed project during the award period.
• A statement that visa issues are not impediment for you to report your activities personally at a DEIS-sponsored conferences (preferably the next CEIDP).
After successful completion of the proposed research project, and as basis for transferring the second installment ($2000) of the fellowship, the awardee is expected to:

  • Provide a one-page report on the project and the project results. The report will likely be published in the Electrical Insulation Magazine and on the DEIS webpage.
  • Present the research results at a DEIS sponsored conference, preferably the next CEIDP (oral or poster)