2024 DEIS Graduate Fellowship Winners
Every year, the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society offers fellowships to eligible graduate students who are pursuing areas of work of interest to the society. To learn more about…
Every year, the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society offers fellowships to eligible graduate students who are pursuing areas of work of interest to the society. To learn more about…
Every two years the IEEE DEIS selects an individual in recognition of sustained leadership, support, and contributions to the advancement of the field of electrical insulation and dielectrics. This award,…
Applications for the “2024 DEIS Graduate Student Fellowship Award” are invited from graduate students in the general areas of electrical insulation and dielectric phenomena.The graduate fellowship, established by the Dielectrics…
The IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) has two DEIS-level technical awards that it bestows every two years. They are the highest-level IEEE technical awards in the dielectrics and…
The IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) has two DEIS-level technical awards that it bestows every two years. They are the highest-level IEEE technical awards in the dielectrics and…
The DEIS operates the Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) to provide experts to DEIS Chapters who then give lectures on electrical insulation and dielectrics topics at Chapter meetings. The purpose is…
AdCom manages the affairs of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS). It is made up of 18 members-at-large, plus 6 ex-officio members. The DEIS Nominations and Appointment Committee…
ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Please nominate worthy candidates for the two 2024 DEIS Caixin Sun and Stan Grzybowski Awards: DEADLINE: APRIL 19, 2024 In the realm of high-voltage engineering and its applications,…
Please nominate worthy candidates for the 2024 DEIS Dakin Awards. DEADLINE: JANUARY 31, 2024 Every two years, the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society selects an individual for their outstanding,…
ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Please nominate worthy candidates for the 2024 DEIS Boggs Awards. DEADLINE: JANUARY 31, 2024 In 2018, the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society created the Steven A. Boggs…