Latest Past Events

Webinair: Research in High Voltage and Insulation Engineering of UHV-class Electric Power Equipment


 Research in High Voltage and Insulation Engineering of UHV-class Electric Power Equipment  Presented by Shigemitsu OKABE The University of Tokyo, Japan April 30, 2024, at 9:00 AM CET/ 4:00 PM JST   Abstract- For ultra-high-voltage (UHV) systems together with high-voltage facilities, more rationalized insulation coordination and equipment design are required. To this end, making large-scale...

Webinair: Cable Assessment – Cable Rejuvenation 101 – Grid Reliability


Cable Assessment - Cable Rejuvenation 101 - Grid Reliability Presented by Wayne J. Chatterton, PhD Southwire Company, USA Mar. 12, 2024, at 2:00 PM ET/ 8:00 PM CET   Abstract- This webinar will introduce a basic understanding of Cable Assessment services that when combined with Cable Rejuvenation and Cable Replacement will lead to a more rapid...

Webinar: Space Charge Characteristics in Nanodielectrics


Nanodielectrics have attracted significant attention in last two decades due to their potential applications in a wide range of power devices as “super insulation”. Relying on the strong interaction between nanoparticles and polymer matrix at the interface, the nanocomposites can be tailored to achieve desired properties, including electrical, thermal and mechanical etc. In terms of...
