Would you be interested in a 4-day Summer School on Extra-High Voltage DC Transmission?
Monmouth, Wales, UK, 21st – 25th August 2022
Organizers: IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society
Over the last few years, we have organised summer schools for research students and those just starting their careers. If you think you might be interested in this year’s school, then let us know – without committing yourself – so that we can keep you informed of the plans.
These IEEE DEIS Summer Schools bring together young researchers to help them to be more successful in their research and careers. If you join the summer school:
- You will take part in inspiring creative discussions on challenging topics in the field of dielectrics and electrical insulation.
- You will develop techniques and methodologies for successful research.
- You will meet like-minded people from around the world and make plans for joint research work, you will present your work and write the framework for a journal paper.
- You will have the opportunity to organize a special session in an IEEE DEIS sponsored conference.
- You will leave with friends and research networks that survive beyond the summer school. The summer school takes place this year in the historic county town of Monmouth in Wales, UK. Free transport is provided from London Heathrow airport and back. In this relaxed setting, you will be part of a group of about 25 PhD students and junior researchers and take part in creative sessions exploring timely topics in dielectrics research. As mentors who are experienced in the field of dielectrics and electrical insulation, we will stimulate and guide these sessions to give you the maximum opportunity to develop your skills. It’s not all work and no play! So that you get to work well together, we’ll organize some social events as well. In this year’s summer school, we’re planning to consider the challenges to be faced with the development of high-voltage DC power cables and accessories.
For more information on eligibility and how to express interest, check out the flyer below.