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The IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
Submissions to the EI Magazine must be submitted in accordance with all guidelines. Full details can be found on the Publications page.
Send submissions via email to the EiC; details can be found on the EIM page.
The Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (TDEI)
Submissions are accepted here.
[av_toggle title=’See all Conferences sponsored by IEEE DEIS’ tags=” av_uid=’av-3ume2d’ custom_id=” sc_version=’1.0′]
Please click here for a list of all conferences currently sponsored by IEEE DEIS. To see a list of upcoming events, click here.
[av_toggle title=’Learn about Technical Committees’ tags=” av_uid=’av-2m8qmt’ custom_id=” sc_version=’1.0′]
To read more about the DEIS technical activities, please click here. We are in the process of creating dedicated landing pages for each technical committee with more information about each activity.
[av_toggle title=’Find Professional Development Resources’ tags=” av_uid=’av-1u6slx’ custom_id=” sc_version=’1.0′]
The IEEE Young Professionals and Women in Engineering organizations offer opportunities for professional growth. DEIS also has two professional awards and two conference awards that offer additional recognition. Student fellowships are also available to further graduate education. For additional education resources, check out our Education section.
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Please use the form on the contact page to communicate directly with the IEEE DEIS Webmaster.
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