The field of interest of DEIS comprises the study and application of dielectrics from the molecular level, through nano-structured materials, to insulation systems in industrial, commercial, and power system equipment. It also covers new applications such as those at ultra-high voltages (UHV) and in other small-scale systems like biology. The scope of the technical activities of DEIS covers the advancement of basic science, as well as the education of practicing engineers in using emerging dielectric materials, and the development of standards for the prudent application of existing and new insulation systems.
The technical activities of DEIS are currently carried out within framework of the following technical committees involving experts from academia and industry.
Technical Committees Chairs
Hugh Zhu | Aging Factors | [email protected] | Consultant, USA |
Tofail Syed | Biodielectrics | [email protected] | University of Limerick, Ireland |
Marek Florkowski | Diagnostics | [email protected] | ABB, Poland |
Andrea Cavallini | Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation for Transportation Electrification | [email protected] | University of Bolognia, Italy |
Li Ming Wang | Discharges in Gas at UHV | [email protected] | Tsinghua University, China |
Zhongyang Cheng | Functional Materials | [email protected] | Auburn University, USA |
Giovanni Mazzanti | HVDC Cable Systems | [email protected] | University of Bolognia, Italy |
Issouf Fofana | Liquid Dielectrics | [email protected] | U. du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada |
Mark Winkeler | Nanodielectrics | [email protected] | ELANTAS PDG Inc., USA |
Fulbert Baudoin | Numerical Methods Applied to Dielectrics | [email protected] | LAPLACE, University of Toulouse, France |
Stefan Kornhuber | Outdoor Insulation | [email protected] | University of Applied Sciences, Zittau/Görlitz, Germany |
Hui Ma | Smart Grids | [email protected] | University of Queensland, Australia |
Stephen Tuckwell | Standards Liaison | [email protected] | ELANTAS PDG Inc., USA |
Aging Factors
Gathering knowledge on insulation aging and failure mechanisms; helping to develop IEEE standards for evaluating material and insulation life under different stress factors. Providing leadership, information, and coordination through the organization of technical meetings, workshops, sessions, and publications. Develop or revise guides for the use of statistics in the evaluation of electrical insulation properties. Learn more about the committee here.
Chair: Dr. Hugh Zhu, Consultant, USA
Chair: Prof. Tofail Syed, University of Limerick, Ireland
Highlighting developments of new diagnostic techniques and stimulating research and education on diagnostic methods for stronger and smarter grid solutions. This will be achieved by arranging special sessions on diagnostics and measurements at DEIS meetings, organizing dedicated workshops, generating review articles, publishing special issues in the journals of DEIS and promoting diagnostics related topics on DEIS web portal. Learn more about the committee here.
Chair: Prof. Marek Florkowski, AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation for Transportation Electrification
The technical committee Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation for Transportation Electrification (TE) has been established focusing on discussing electrical insulation issues in TE. The aim is to start from material properties, and the body of evidence on aging and breakdown mechanisms to understand the behavior of electrical insulation systems which undergo stresses whose far-reaching consequences are yet to be understood fully. This approach highlights the importance of bringing together dielectric manufacturers, OEM, and research centers that specialize in this new sector. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Andrea Cavallini, University of Bologna, Italy
Discharges in Gas at UHV
Promoting the development of knowledge concerning the phenomena and mechanisms involved in the initiation and propagation of discharges in air with respect to AC and DC UHV as well as to propose appropriate solutions to suppress the discharges. This includes gathering test methods and available solutions currently proposed by various researchers and institutes, and surveying newly developed materials used on UHV systems to prevent discharges. This will be achieved by arranging special sessions on this topic during DEIS activities, organizing workshops on this subject, generating review articles, and publishing special issues in DEIS publications. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Dr. Liming Wang, Tsinghua University, China
Functional Dielectrics
The technical committee on functional dielectrics has been formed in order to promote the research and development of functional dielectric materials as well as applications particularly well suited for their use. The committee intends to foster collaboration and the exchange of information in order to facilitate material and application development and to help the dielectrics community meet the rising demand for sensors, actuators, and energy systems which will employ functional dielectrics.
Chair: Zongyong Zhang, Auburn University, USA
HVDC Cable Systems
The Scope of the HVDC Cable Systems Committee is developing IEEE technical specifications, recommendations and standards for testing HVDC extruded cable systems (cables, joints and terminations). Focus is on the following topics: lightning and switching impulse tests based on a proper selection of the level and the polarity of impulse voltage; load cycle tests based on a proper selection of the level and duration of test voltages; cable characterization in prequalification and type tests (including protocols for space charge measurements, crosslinking by-products evaluation, other effective parameters for diagnosis); polarity reversal tests; weathering tests on composite terminations. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Giovanni Mazzanti, University of Bologna, Italy
Liquid Dielectrics
Coordinating technical activities and communicating knowledge concerned with use and evaluation of new liquid dielectrics. The evaluation of liquids includes assessment of long-term performance capabilities as well as of health and safety hazards associated with the use of liquids in electrical equipment. This will be achieved by arranging special sessions at DEIS meetings, organizing workshops on this topic, generating review articles, and publishing special issues in the journals of DEIS. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Dr. Issouf Fofana, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada
Following the emergence of knowledge in the field of nanodielectrics and assessing of the potential of these materials and material systems for enhanced performance of existing electrotechnical applications. The knowledge will be disseminated by arranging special sessions at DEIS meetings, organizing workshops on this topic, generating review articles, and publishing special issues in the journals of DEIS. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Mark Winkeler, Elantas PDG, USA
Numerical Methods applied to Dielectrics
Reviewing the state of knowledge on the numerical modeling of physical phenomena occurring in dielectrics including gas, liquids and solids, and to assess the progress accomplished with numerical simulation in the field of dielectrics over the past two decades. This will enable the anticipation and suggestion of future trends and the facilitation of collaborative actions. This will be achieved through arranging special sessions at DEIS meetings, organizing workshops on this topic and launching joint research initiatives.
Chair: Dr. Fulbert Baudoin, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Outdoor Insulation
Providing a scheduled forum for the discussions of phenomena and evaluation methods specific to the use of materials as high voltage electrical insulation in the outdoors. To study test methods currently used by various laboratories and to survey a variety of available materials. This will be achieved by arranging special sessions at DEIS meetings, organizing workshops on this topic, generating review articles, and publishing special issues in the journals of DEIS. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Dr. Refat Ghunem, National Research Council, Canada
Smart Grids
Defining the role of electrical insulation and dielectrics in the Smart Grid concept and bringing the material/component related issues on the agenda of Smart Grid communities outside of DEIS. Stimulating the construction of funding schemes for projects that contribute to Smart Grids on the component/material level. This will be achieved by arranging special sessions and panel discussions at DEIS meetings, organizing workshops on this topic, generating review articles, and publishing inputs and activating discussions at DEIS web page. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Hui Ma, University of Queensland, Australia
The scope of the Standards Committee encompasses all technical functions and is concerned with the origination, development and publishing of consensus standards which fall within the general scope and responsibility of DEIS. It requires the coordination of these standards with other organizations, both nationally and internationally, in the preparation of such standards of interest and concern of DEIS.
Chair and Standards Liaison: Stephen Tuckwell, Elantas PDG
Technical Committees Chairs
Hugh Zhu | Aging Factors | [email protected] | Consultant, USA |
Tofail Syed | Biodielectrics | [email protected] | University of Limerick, Ireland |
Marek Florkowski | Diagnostics | [email protected] | ABB, Poland |
Andrea Cavallini | Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation for Transportation Electrification | [email protected] | University of Bolognia, Italy |
Li Ming Wang | Discharges in Gas at UHV | [email protected] | Tsinghua University, China |
Zhongyang Cheng | Functional Materials | [email protected] | Auburn University, USA |
Giovanni Mazzanti | HVDC Cable Systems | [email protected] | University of Bolognia, Italy |
Issouf Fofana | Liquid Dielectrics | [email protected] | U. du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada |
Mark Winkeler | Nanodielectrics | [email protected] | ELANTAS PDG Inc., USA |
Fulbert Baudoin | Numerical Methods Applied to Dielectrics | [email protected] | LAPLACE, University of Toulouse, France |
Stefan Kornhuber | Outdoor Insulation | [email protected] | University of Applied Sciences, Zittau/Görlitz, Germany |
Hui Ma | Smart Grids | [email protected] | University of Queensland, Australia |
Stephen Tuckwell | Standards Liaison | [email protected] | ELANTAS PDG Inc., USA |
Aging Factors
Gathering knowledge on insulation aging and failure mechanisms; helping to develop IEEE standards for evaluating material and insulation life under different stress factors. Providing leadership, information, and coordination through the organization of technical meetings, workshops, sessions, and publications. Develop or revise guides for the use of statistics in the evaluation of electrical insulation properties. Learn more about the committee here.
Chair: Dr. Hugh Zhu, Consultant, USA
Chair: Prof. Tofail Syed, University of Limerick, Ireland
Highlighting developments of new diagnostic techniques and stimulating research and education on diagnostic methods for stronger and smarter grid solutions. This will be achieved by arranging special sessions on diagnostics and measurements at DEIS meetings, organizing dedicated workshops, generating review articles, publishing special issues in the journals of DEIS and promoting diagnostics related topics on DEIS web portal. Learn more about the committee here.
Chair: Prof. Marek Florkowski, AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation for Transportation Electrification
The technical committee Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation for Transportation Electrification (TE) has been established focusing on discussing electrical insulation issues in TE. The aim is to start from material properties, and the body of evidence on aging and breakdown mechanisms to understand the behavior of electrical insulation systems which undergo stresses whose far-reaching consequences are yet to be understood fully. This approach highlights the importance of bringing together dielectric manufacturers, OEM, and research centers that specialize in this new sector. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Andrea Cavallini, University of Bologna, Italy
Discharges in Gas at UHV
Promoting the development of knowledge concerning the phenomena and mechanisms involved in the initiation and propagation of discharges in air with respect to AC and DC UHV as well as to propose appropriate solutions to suppress the discharges. This includes gathering test methods and available solutions currently proposed by various researchers and institutes, and surveying newly developed materials used on UHV systems to prevent discharges. This will be achieved by arranging special sessions on this topic during DEIS activities, organizing workshops on this subject, generating review articles, and publishing special issues in DEIS publications. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Dr. Liming Wang, Tsinghua University, China
Functional Dielectrics
The technical committee on functional dielectrics has been formed in order to promote the research and development of functional dielectric materials as well as applications particularly well suited for their use. The committee intends to foster collaboration and the exchange of information in order to facilitate material and application development and to help the dielectrics community meet the rising demand for sensors, actuators, and energy systems which will employ functional dielectrics.
Chair: Zongyong Zhang, Auburn University, USA
HVDC Cable Systems
The Scope of the HVDC Cable Systems Committee is developing IEEE technical specifications, recommendations and standards for testing HVDC extruded cable systems (cables, joints and terminations). Focus is on the following topics: lightning and switching impulse tests based on a proper selection of the level and the polarity of impulse voltage; load cycle tests based on a proper selection of the level and duration of test voltages; cable characterization in prequalification and type tests (including protocols for space charge measurements, crosslinking by-products evaluation, other effective parameters for diagnosis); polarity reversal tests; weathering tests on composite terminations. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Giovanni Mazzanti, University of Bologna, Italy
Liquid Dielectrics
Coordinating technical activities and communicating knowledge concerned with use and evaluation of new liquid dielectrics. The evaluation of liquids includes assessment of long-term performance capabilities as well as of health and safety hazards associated with the use of liquids in electrical equipment. This will be achieved by arranging special sessions at DEIS meetings, organizing workshops on this topic, generating review articles, and publishing special issues in the journals of DEIS. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Dr. Issouf Fofana, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada
Following the emergence of knowledge in the field of nanodielectrics and assessing of the potential of these materials and material systems for enhanced performance of existing electrotechnical applications. The knowledge will be disseminated by arranging special sessions at DEIS meetings, organizing workshops on this topic, generating review articles, and publishing special issues in the journals of DEIS. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Mark Winkeler, Elantas PDG, USA
Numerical Methods applied to Dielectrics
Reviewing the state of knowledge on the numerical modeling of physical phenomena occurring in dielectrics including gas, liquids and solids, and to assess the progress accomplished with numerical simulation in the field of dielectrics over the past two decades. This will enable the anticipation and suggestion of future trends and the facilitation of collaborative actions. This will be achieved through arranging special sessions at DEIS meetings, organizing workshops on this topic and launching joint research initiatives.
Chair: Dr. Fulbert Baudoin, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Outdoor Insulation
Providing a scheduled forum for the discussions of phenomena and evaluation methods specific to the use of materials as high voltage electrical insulation in the outdoors. To study test methods currently used by various laboratories and to survey a variety of available materials. This will be achieved by arranging special sessions at DEIS meetings, organizing workshops on this topic, generating review articles, and publishing special issues in the journals of DEIS. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Dr. Refat Ghunem, National Research Council, Canada
Smart Grids
Defining the role of electrical insulation and dielectrics in the Smart Grid concept and bringing the material/component related issues on the agenda of Smart Grid communities outside of DEIS. Stimulating the construction of funding schemes for projects that contribute to Smart Grids on the component/material level. This will be achieved by arranging special sessions and panel discussions at DEIS meetings, organizing workshops on this topic, generating review articles, and publishing inputs and activating discussions at DEIS web page. Learn more about this committee here.
Chair: Hui Ma, University of Queensland, Australia
The scope of the Standards Committee encompasses all technical functions and is concerned with the origination, development and publishing of consensus standards which fall within the general scope and responsibility of DEIS. It requires the coordination of these standards with other organizations, both nationally and internationally, in the preparation of such standards of interest and concern of DEIS.
Chair and Standards Liaison: Stephen Tuckwell, Elantas PDG