Special Issue on Liquid Dielectrics

    A Special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation is being planned on liquids dielectric for publication in October 2015. Authors wishing to have their papers considered for publication in this issue should submit their manuscripts to the IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation web portal (

On the submission form there is a location for Special Issue paper submission where the name of the Guest Editor is to be chosen. Instructions for the preparation of manuscripts and a template are available at the website or directly from:

For this special issue suggested topics within the field of liquid dielectrics include, but are not limited to:

–          Mineral oils of improved characteristics, additives and synthetic dielectric liquids;

–          molecular structure and dielectric loss in liquids;

–          electrical breakdown of liquids;

–          electrical streamers in liquids;

–          partial discharge and pre-breakdown process in liquids;

–          electrical properties of new insulating liquids;

–          conduction mechanism in dielectric liquids;

–          behavior of insulating liquids between dielectric barriers;

–          solid-liquid insulating systems;

–          space charge in liquids.

In accordance with IEEE policy, papers that have been published in any Conference proceedings cannot be republished. Therefore, authors of the 2014 IEEE ICDL are strongly advised to significantly expand and enhance their conference papers version prior to submission to this Special Issue of the IEEE TDEI.

The deadline for the submission of the manuscripts is 30 November 2014.

The Guest Editors for this issue are:

Prof. Massimo Pompili (University of Rome “Sapienza”, Electrical Engineering Dept., Via Eudossiana,18 – 00184 Roma, Italy ; Email : [email protected] ; fax: +39-06-4883235),

Dr. Ray Bartnikas (Hydro – Quebec Institute of Research, 1800  boul. Lionel – Boulet, Varennes, Quebec J3X  1S1, Canada;  Email:  [email protected] or[email protected].

Further questions concerning this Special Issue could be directed to either one of the two Guest Editors or directly to the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transaction on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Professor Reuben Hackam ([email protected]).