Special Issue of the
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation on
Power Modulators and Repetitive Pulsed Power
We are pleased to announce that the August 2015 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (TDEI) will be a special issue on Power Modulators, Repetitive Pulsed Power and High Voltage topics. This issue is open to all authors; presenters of papers at the IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (2014 IPMHVC) are especially encouraged to submit their work to this special issue. Topics include, but are not restricted to:
- Repetitive Pulsed Power for Research and Applications
- Power Conditioning and Pulse Shaping, Power Electronics and Prime Power Systems
- Compact Pulsed Power Systems
- Plasma Opening and Closing Switches, Solid State Modulators and Switches
- Dielectric Breakdown, High Voltage Components and Energy Storage
- High Voltage Design, Testing and Analysis
- High Power Microwaves, Radiating Structures, HF Techniques
- Lasers, Accelerators, Electromagnetic Launchers and High Energy Systems
In accordance with IEEE policy, papers that have been published in any conference proceedings cannot be republished. A plagiarism tool will be used to verify originality. Therefore, authors of the 2014 IPMHVC proceedings are strongly advised to significantly expand and enhance their conference paper versions prior to submission to this Special Issue of the IEEE TDEI.
Authors are invited to submit their papers to the Guest Editors of the Special Issue no later than September 30, 2014, at the TDEI website ( in accordance with the template. Instructions for preparation of manuscripts and a template are available at the website. The TDEI template may be obtained from
Submissions should be marked during the submission process as special issue contributions by selecting in the submission form the “Guest Editor” link and choosing the guest editor for this issue. Questions regarding the Special Issue on Power Modulators and Repetitive Pulsed Power can be addressed to the Guest Editors:
Dr. Frank Hegeler
Naval Research Laboratory / CTI
Code 6730
4555 Overlook Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20375
Tel: (202) 404-4440
Fax: (202) 767-0046