DLP Update: Seven New Distinguished Lecturers Appointed by AdCom
At their October 21, 2014 meeting during CEIDP in Des Moines, Iowa, seven new Distinguished Lecturers were formally approved by AdCom. The appointments are for a period of three years, effective January 1, 2015; renewable. The list of seven, together with the titles upon which each lecturer has expressed willingness to provide talks to DEIS chapters, upon request, is given below. The seven are additional to the present twelve lecturers listed on the DEIS website. Over the next few months, a single list of nineteen lecturers will be posted.
Questions about the Procedure for the nomination of DEIS Distinguished Lecturers can be addressed to Clive Reed at [email protected].
New DEIS Distinguished Lecturers
North America
1. Dr. Greg Stone (Iris Power, Canada). 1. Aging mechanisms of rotating machines. 2. Diagnostic testing of rotating machine insulation. 3. Effect of inverter drives on rotating machine insulation.
Africa, Europe and Middle East
2. Professor Ernst Gockenbach (Univ Hannover, Germany). 1. Dielectric liquids in high voltage equipment. 2. Test procedures for dielectric materials.
3. Professor Stanislaw Gubanski (Chalmers Univ Tech, Sweden). 1. Outdoor polymeric insulation for AC and DC lines. 2. Dielectric response measurements for diagnostics of power transformers.
4. Professor Paul Lewin (Univ Southampton, UK). 1. High voltage DC cables: the key component for future “super grids”. 2. On-line partial discharge monitoring of high voltage plants.
5. Dr. Peter Morshuis (TU Delft, the Netherlands). 1. Electrical and thermal phenomena at dielectric/insulation interfaces. 2. Partial discharge in HVDC insulation systems.
6. Professor Gary Stevens (Univ. Surrey/Gnosys, UK). 1. Nanodielectrics from nanofilled materials to nano-textured polymer nano-composites for HVAC and HVDC applications. 2. Self-healing materials and self-repair functions in electrical insulation systems-preferably from mid-2015. 3. Materials reporting and self-reporting using spectroscopic fibre optics.
7. Dr. Tatsui Okamoto (CRIEPI, Japan). 1. Radiation aging of polymeric insulating materials.