Call for Nominations DEIS AdCom



AdCom manages the affairs of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS). It is made up of 18 members-at-large, plus ex-officio members.

Nominations and Appointment Committee is inviting nomination for President, Administrative Vice President, and Technical Vice President and 6 AdCom Members-at-Large of DEIS.

The persons nominated must be IEEE-DEIS members in good standing. Traditionally, AdCom has maintained a balance in representation between the industrial and academic communities.

Members-at-Large of AdCom: Each year 6 members-at-large are elected to serve a 3-year term on the DEIS AdCom. No member-at-large can serve more than two consecutive terms. The 6 Members-at-Large who will begin their service in 2016 will be elected by the membership of the Society by electronic or postal ballot conducted by IEEE staff. The persons elected or appointed will begin their service as of 1 January 2016.

The deadline for the Members-at-Large nominations is 28 May 2015.

Officers: President, Administrative Vice President, and Technical Vice Presidentare the Officers of the society and serve a 1-year term and are eligible to serve for a second term. The Officers for 2016 will be appointed by AdCom at its meeting in the autumn of 2015.

The deadline for nominations for the Officers is 31 August 2015.

Each nominee will be contacted by the Nominations & Appointments Committee and will be asked to submit information relevant to the election and appointment process. Self-nominations are also permitted.

The following information is needed for each person nominated:

Name (Last, First):

Position held / Institution name:

DEIS position being nominated for:

Phone number:

e-mail address:


Please send your nominations by the deadline to:

Masoud Farzaneh,

Chair, DEIS Nominations & Appointments Committee

[email protected]


For information on the process see the DEIS Operations Manual at