Dear IEEE DEIS Young Professionals,

2015 Essay competition call for submissions

The 2015 Essay competition is for IEEE DEIS Young Professionals and Student members. The winning essay will be published on the DEIS website and in the IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine. The essays of the two runners-up will also be published on the DEIS website. The winning candidate and the two runners up will each receive a certificate from DEIS carrying her/his name, affiliation and the title of the essay, and an Amazon voucher. The values of the vouchers will be $150 for the winner, and $100 for each runner-up.

To take part; write a 1000 word essay on a recently published IEEE Explore paper that you have read explaining its relevance to your work. The paper chosen should have authors whose affiliations are not the same as your institution. In your essay expand on the following points:

  • The reasons the paper was selected
  • The impact on the candidates work
  • The candidates work vs. work in the paper
  • The influence the paper has or had on the candidate’s thought and future work.

Please note that equations, references, tables, and diagrams should NOT be included in the essay.

More information is published at the Electrical Insulation magazine and  here.

The deadline for the 2015 Essay competition submissions is on 31st of October, please see the link below for further details:

2015 Essay competition submission dead line 31 October!

In 2014 essay competition there was one essay submitted by Jun Jiang, a PhD candidate at North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) has been awarded a commendation. The essay with title: “All-fiber sensing technique for dissolved hydrogen detection in power transformer oil” can be viewed here.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

Best regards,


Dr Antonios Tzimas

IEEE DEIS Young Professionals Chair


IEEE DEIS Educational Video: