IEEE Caixin Sun and Stan Gryzbowski Award of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) for achievements in high-voltage engineering and applications

Award and nomination information

Young-Professional Achievement Award

(three to ten years career in research, engineering or innovation after completing Bachelor degree)

Lifetime Achievement Award

(at least 20 years outstanding career in research, engineering or innovation)

Prize: Each award consists of a subsidy of 5000 US$ and a plenary lecture to be given at IEEE ICHVE 2022

The IEEE Caixin Sun and Stan Gryzbowski Awards were established in 2017 through an agreement between IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) and IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Applications (ICHVE). The funds have been contributed by the Caixin Sun Foundation of Education at Chongqing University, China.

The nomination letter shall be submitted by a third person (nominator). The nominator should include a detailed CV of the candidate as well as reasons why the nominee is qualified. The nominator should also explain how they know the nominee. This submission should be accompanied by at least two endorsement letters issued by two IEEE members acquainted with the candidate’s achievements. Also, the nominator should ensure that the nominee commits himself/herself to give a lecture at the ICHVE. Self-nominations are not permitted.  

The nomination shall be submitted electronically to the Chair of the ICHVE Awards committee, Prof. Masoud Farzaneh ([email protected]) before 31 March 2022. An acknowledgement will be sent to the nominator upon receipt of the nomination.