Month: March 2024

Webinair: Cable Assessment – Cable Rejuvenation 101 – Grid Reliability
Cable Assessment – Cable Rejuvenation 101 – Grid Reliability Presented by Wayne J. Chatterton, PhD Southwire Company, USA Mar. 12, 2024, at 2:00 PM ET/ 8:00 PM CET Abstract- This…

Partial Discharge Effect on Electrical Insulation: Mechanisms, Implications, and Mitigation Strategies
Electrical insulation is a fundamental component of all electrical and electronic systems, providing a critical barrier that prevents unwanted current flow between conducting parts. The integrity of insulation is paramount…

Insulation for Transportation Electrification: Challenges, Materials, and Future Directions
The transition from internal combustion engines to electric motors in the transportation sector is a cornerstone of global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. Electric motors are…

High Voltage DC Cables: the future of dielectrics
The evolution of electrical power systems has necessitated the development of efficient and reliable transmission mediums. High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems have emerged as a pivotal technology, particularly…