DLP Procedures
2014 Guidelines
DEIS Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP)
Present talks on selected topics in the field of fundamental and applied dielectrics and electrical insulation at DEIS chapter meetings world-wide.
Through these talks and follow-up discussion directed at young members and prospective members, encourage an increase in DEIS membership.
A DLP lecturer shall be a member of DEIS and recognized as an outstanding lecturer in his/her field of expertise, willing to travel and present technical talks at the invitation of DEIS chapters. The field of expertise shall be identified in the nomination form, available on the DEIS website. However, if agreed upon by the inviting chapter and the DLP lecturer, the subject of the talk may be in a different/related field of mutual interest.
Existing DLP lecturers will be invited to continue their appointment as DLP lecturers. DEIS chapters are invited to nominate new DLP speakers. DEIS members at large may also nominate a DLP lecturer; or may self-nominate. The nomination form will be posted on the DEIS website. Each nomination will be reviewed by the Awards and Recognition Committee and successful candidates, following approval by the DEIS president and AdCom, will be notified by the DEIS president and listed in the DLP program on the DEIS website.
Term of Office
The term-of-office is for three years, renewable upon recommendation of a 3-person Awrds and Recognition Committee and approval of the DEIS president and AdCom, assuming reasonable effort to advance DEIS goals.
When requested by a chapter, or by the DEIS president, a Distinguished Lecturer is expected to be willing and available to give one (or more) talks during the three year appointment.
DLP Travel Policies
The policies are applicable worldwide, for both intra-region and inter-region travel. In requesting funding, the DEIS Travel Policy, shown in the DEIS Operations Manual, March 30, 2013, must be followed.
DLP lecturers may only be willing to travel to specific regions.
Following the dates for the talk agreed upon by the DLP lecturer and DEIS chapter, an IEEE-detailed budget request form, posted on the DEIS website, must be submitted from the chapter, via the awards and Recognition Committee, to the DEIS treasurer (currently Bill McDermid; e-mail:[email protected]) for approval at least six weeks before the proposed talk. The travel expenses of DLP lecturers to and from the city of the chapter location, by air, train, personal car, or other public transportation will be reimbursed by DEIS. Economy airline flights are requested for both intra-region and inter-region travel.
As needed, local talk-related expenses (one or two night hotel/motel and meals) will be paid for by the local chapter, to ten be reimbursed by the DEIS Chapters Committee.
These policies will apply to talks within the following geographical regions
- North America (USA and Canada)
- Latin America
- Africa, Europe and Middle East
- Japan
- India
- China
- South Korea
- Australia and the Pacific
Inter-region talks, while encouraged, will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Economy airline flights are requested.
Formal invoices for travel expenses must be submitted direct to the DEIS treasurer upon completion of travel.
Awards and Recognition October 1, 2013
Approved by AdCom October 22, 2013
Appendix 2
DEIS Distinguished Lecturer Program
Distinguished Lecturer Request Form
Please type or print. You must fill in every detail in detail
Name of Chapter:………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Chapter chair……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Chapter address………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Chapter officer filing request……………………………………………………………………………….
Proposed date of lecture……………………………………………………………………………………..
Proposed topic:………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Mode of travel and estimated intercity travel cost:………..Expected attendance:….
Signature of Chapter officer submitting this request Date
IMPORTANT: All lecture visits must be approved in advance by the DLP chair. The DLP reimburses only for intercity travel for approved visits. Local expenses are paid by local chapter and the lecturer. Please make requests at least six weeks before proposed talk.
Submit completed form to: [email protected]