Summer School on Challenges for Extra-high Voltage DC
Organized by: IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society
Bertinoro, Italy
15thto 20thSeptember 2019
To promote scientific debate between junior researchers in the field of electrical insulation and dielectrics, the IEEE DEIS will hold its 5thSummer School in September 2019, this year, on the topic of extra-high voltage DC, the challenges for science and technology when pushing the limits.
The objectives of the IEEE DEIS Summer Schools are:
- To organize brainstorms on challenging topics in the field of dielectrics and electrical insulation among early career researchers
- To discuss research methodology with early career researchers
- To support the early career researchers in creating international research networks
- To challenge the early career researchers to start joint research work, present their work and organize special sessions in IEEE DEIS sponsored conferences
- To foster debate between the early career researchers and established experts in the field
In the quiet medieval village of Bertinoro, about 100 km south east of Bologna, Italy, a group of 20 junior researchers / PhD students will take part in a 5-day summer school related to a hot topic in dielectrics research. For 2019, the summer school will have two distinct parts:
The first part of the summer school will cover key aspects on developing research questions and methodologies, with moderated debates and group discussions. After a plenary introduction and focused presentations, will form teams to undertake group work. To optimize the discussions, each team will be led by a senior moderator of reputation in the field of dielectrics. At the end of each day, the teams will all report in a plenary discussion session.
On the third day, academics and industry experts will join the debate and discuss further work on relevant research topics. During this second part, which will run from the 17thto the 20thSeptember, participants will discussing their ideas before, on the last day, outcomes will be merged, preliminary conclusions are drawn and a framework for a journal paper will be prepared. This method has proven successful in previous events.
- New insulation materials for extra-high voltage DC cables and accessories
- Space charge, ageing and insulation lifetime
- Condition monitoring and testing
- Prof. John Fothergill, emeritus, City University of London, UK
- Prof. Alun Vaughan, University of Southampton, UK
- Dr. Thomas Andritsch, University of Southampton, UK
- Prof. Peter Morshuis, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
How to apply
To apply for the 2019 IEEE DEIS Summer School, please send an application letter before June 14, 2019 to Peter Morshuis: [email protected].
To qualify for participation you should be a PhD student, an MSc student with some research experienceor in the first three years of research your career. You should have a reasonable command of English. In your application letter we expect you to describe in a few lines your main field of study, and the reason why you would like to participate in the Summer School. If you are a student, we expect also a short recommendation from your professor. We will evaluate the application forms and inform you about acceptance within two weeks of having received your application. Please be aware of the fact that we are only able to accommodate a maximum of 20 participants, on a first come, first served basis.
Summer School Fee
The Summer School is sponsored by IEEE DEIS. Therefore, the Summer School fee is significantly reduced for an IEEE student members. The cost of becoming an IEEE student member is very low (about €25) in relation to the benefits you will receive. Becoming an IEEE student member is easy:
Summer School fee for IEEE (student) members: €362,- (22% VAT included; €297 ex VAT)
Summer School fee for non members/non students: €442,- (22% VAT included; €363 ex VAT)
The cost of participation includes: registration, transportation from Bologna to Bertinoro on September 15th, hotel room for 5 nights (September 15-20), food and beverages, social activities, and transportation from Bertinoro to Bologna on September 20th.
If you need additional information, please contact Peter Morshuis
(E-mail: [email protected]).