Detection of anomalies on overhead transmission and distribution lines using the EFD

Presented by Prof. Alan Wong

CEO & Founder IND Technology Australia

Sept. 7, 2023, at 10:30 AM AEST (UTC+10)

Abstract- Prof. Alan Wong has been working in the field of condition monitoring of overhead and underground powerline assets for more than 15 years. In this talk, he will present the EFD (Early Fault Detection) system and use cases generated from the EFD system. The EFD system detects and locates powerline defects and anomalies such as frayed conductors, tracking insulators, failing surge arresters and transformers and vegetation encroachment. The EFD system is an advanced predictive maintenance product that can reduce unplanned power outages and potential wildfires started by powerline faults..

Prof. Alan Wong has over 20 years of experience in teaching, research and commercialisation technology. He is the leader of the RMIT High Voltage Research and Teaching Laboratory at RMIT University. His research interests are in the area of nano-dielectric, outdoor insulation, intelligent sensors and IoT system. He founded IND Technology in 2013 to commercialise the EFD technology that continuously monitors powerline assets.

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